ABOUT Our supporters past events
We had our first conference and workshop in November 2017, at Guam Community College, with over 40 presenters and 250 attendees! Our second conference/workshop was combined with the annual Brown Treesnake meeting November 13-15, 2018, with over 250 attendees. Our third conference was on Saipan from November 18-20, 2019, with a similar number of attendees. We postponed our 2020 conference due to Covid, and held a virtual conference in June 2021. Our last conference was in February 2024 in Saipan.
The 2025 MICC will be held March 10-14 in Guåhan at the Dusit Thani Guam Resort Grand Ballroom.
The conference is organized by Tåno, Tåsi, yan Todu board and staff, and a group of volunteers from various organizations.
The 2025 organizing committee includes:
Ann Marie Gawel, Haldre Rogers, Joni Kerr, Tim Harvey-Samuel, Christiana-Jo Quinata, Jerilyn Calaor, Rachel Jolley, and Jimmy Camacho.